A stable, well educated workforce, an outstanding location, cutting-edge internet connectivity and an unsurpassed quality of life combine to make Whitefish the ideal spot for business success, both now and in the future!
Add to that a new wave of major private and public investment – and a number of Chamber initiatives designed to strengthen and grow the local economy – and we think you’ll agree... Whitefish, Montana is where your business ought to be!
Residential development has leveled-off a bit in recent years, but is still quite active. The 73-unit Whitetail Ridge subdivision off Flathead Avenue was approved in 2024, as was Phase II of the Alpenglow Apartments, and a 9-unit townhome development off River Lakes Parkway.
A number of other projects have been approved and are in the pre-development phase, including a 210 unit apartment complex at the intersection of Highways 93 and 40, and two other apartment developments totaling nearly 190 units north of the railroad visduct.
Commercial development (and planned development) in Whitefish is just as active, particularly in the downtown core, where new development (and re-development) continues at a steady pace. The trend toward three-story, mixed-use buildings shows no signs of stopping, with dozens of new businesses opening up in ground-floor spaces below two stories of short-term vacation rental units.
A dozen new businesses have opened, re-opened, or moved to the north end of Central Avenue, most noticeably Thirty-Eight, a summertime food truck park and live music venue at the corner of Central Ave and First Street. Just around the corner are Haskill Creek Farms’ new downtown retail outlet and a completely renovated Markus Foods store; across Baker Ave is the new Clydesdale Creamery ice cream shop; and nearby on Central is the new Huck’s Place location and the 101 Central dining and entertainment complex… formerly known as Casey’s.
A half-dozen projects have been completed on Highway 93 South in the last year, including:
- the remodel of Wright’s Furniture;
- the opening of a new Three Rivers Bank branch;
- a car wash
- Florence Coffee kiosk
- Sunrift Brewing pub near the corner of 93 South and /JP Road intersection; and
- the grand opening of Jersey Boys Pizza’s new location about a block south.
There’s no doubt about it... it’s an exciting time for Whitefish, and the Chamber is focused on three separate-but-equal strategies for enhancing the Whitefish economy:
- Helping existing businesses get the help they need to survive, grow and thrive;
- Welcoming new companies to Whitefish that will complement the existing business community; and
- Identifying and implementing programs, projects and events that enhance the Whitefish visitor experience, and help grow sustainable tourism in the shoulder and winter seasons.
In addition, the Chamber promotes our community on a local, regional, statewide, and global basis, in an effort to:
- Attract new business and investment to Whitefish;
- Create new, high-paying jobs through business relocation, new business start-ups and the expansion of existing companies;
- Promote the Whitefish area’s assets to prospective employers, investors and residents; and
- Improve our community by encouraging planned economic development, strong civic leadership, better education and increased cultural and recreational opportunities.
At its annual Retreat & Planning Conference in November, the Chamber Board restated its commitment to working collaboratively with a host of different groups and agencies who share common interests and constituents, including:
- The Whitefish City Council
- Montana West Economic Development
- Montana Department of Commerce
- Whitefish Convention & Visitors Bureau
- Glacier AERO
- Flathead County Economic Development Authority
- Big Mountain Commercial Association
- Housing Whitefish
- Glacier Park International Airport
- Montana Department of Labor & Industry
- Six other local Chambers of Commerce, and
- The Flathead County Commission
The Chamber partners with a handful of other local and regional organizations to provide a full menu of economic development and business assistance services to local employers... and to those considering Whitefish as a home for their new — or relocating — business.
Our partners include:

Montana West Economic Development
Christy Cummings Dawson, President/CEO - (406) 257-7711
Montana West connects new and existing businesses to the resources they need to accelerate their growth and leverage their investment. Services include: connections to expertise, demographic information, financing and incentive resources, industry trends, workforce assistance, site selection, gap financing lending programs, and grant programs for business development and expansion.

Small Business Development Center at Flathead Valley Community College
Rob Driscoll, Director – (406) 609-9496
Assists small businesses in Flathead, Lake and Lincoln counties with business & marketing plans; solving technical & management problems; financing; one-on-one business counseling, liaison between lenders and borrowers, etc.

Job Service Kalispell
427 First Avenue E, Kalispell, MT 59901 – (406) 758-6200
Email: KalispellJSC@mt.gov
Assistance on HR issues — from hiring interviewing, reference checking, employee retention & training, wage, hour & employment laws. Jobs website matches employers with workers.